Setting up plans..just another family matter

Setting up plans..just another family matter | Wanted to take leave but work and work and work need me more. moreover I have confirmed for Mohd Mustaqim to for an interview.  Not bad appearance and seems to have good sales and marketing skills. But well still believe in "dont judge a book from its cover".  But still hope for the best and helpful staffing.

After Friday prayer, straight back home to pickup the girls for the next destination..AU2 Keramat!  Arrive and chat and discussed (hehehe informal arr) for the hottest sister Uda marriage problem! Then Adik came home think about 1830 for the same issue and get firm for what need to be done (will blog the strategy with this happen).  Well anywhere reason to visit my Kak Lang is not only on Uda problem (yeah its major issue!) also to get the new bread from the new machine he bought for the business.  hehehe I end up at AU2 till about 0200am...hahahha as the plans was also being explained to Afif as he is the only person that can pass the message. We had dinner, guess fit to be called supper at almost 0145am.  Wow wat a visit! Missed my bed too.  Yet, the girls was soooo excited and have their happening meet up too!

On Friday 26 Nov, Kak Lang visit me till almost 1200midnight also for the same issue and it was a nice visit since it rains heavily and the sounds of the rain drops really reminds me to childhood..ohhh wat a nice memory!

Dreamy Cheese for oven bake

Dreamy cheese ready to eat!

Pine Sausages into oven!

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Talking bout the bread... its sooooo yummy and I bought 12 pcs.  Its sooo smooth and so soft and nice for sure.  Do visit for more details and if you guys want to try the homemade buns, please do not hesitate to call Chef Ross.  Anyone who is craze on Brownie and alcohol free Tiramisu should get from him..

the BDay Boy

Happy 23rd Birthday

Cheese cake...very nice by Baker's Cottage

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